Here are my truths/complaints/secrets revealed.
- I want a house. Really, really bad. Because when we get a house we can have storage, and 4 bedrooms instead of 2. And we can have more kids.
- I want another baby. Really, a house is the only thing holding me back. Because I know that we can't possibly squish one more thing in this tiny 2 bedroom apartment.
- I LOVE staying home all day with Sage but really would enjoy getting out once in awhile for some "adult" time.
- My house hasn't been deep cleaned since Sage arrived. I've organized and cleaned the surface of everything, but deep down, it really needs a cleaning.
- I hate cleaning. Which is why my previous truth is what it is.
- My visiting teachers are coming over tonight, and I don't want them to.
- I hate Utah for one reason. The ridiculous cost of registering/inspecting your car, yearly.
- I'm scared to death of taking Sage off of baby food/formula. I eat unhealthy as it is. Now I have to try to feed Sage healthy? I don't think I know how to do that.
- I love food. Chips, crackers, ice cream, hamburgers, fries, salads, popcorn. Lately this is what I have been eating. Go ahead and judge.
- My favorite show(s) are Grey's Anatomy and American Idol. Quinn hates them both. So I never get to watch them. Unless I throw a tantrum and act like a child..which I usually do.
- And lastly, I love being a mom. And watching Sage grow and learn and make below.
Yes it's blurry, but aren't all of my pictures? I'm not a professional. I guess that's one more truth to add to my list.
Happy Tuesday! What are your truths for today?