It's been almost 3 weeks since my last post because, lucky us, we got to go out of town for almost 2 weeks! Unfortunately it was because Quinn was on a business trip and I was too chicken to stay home to mom's house we went! We got to see lots of my family..lots of Quinn's family..and lots of friends. What a great way to spend 2 weeks! I'm glad I snagged my camera before we left so I could catch these perfect moments.
I'll find her like this when I get up to check on her all hours of the night.
Sage looks terrified buuuttt..she loves Tristan whether she wants to admit it or not..and of course he loves her too!
Sage went in for her 4 month checkup and now weighs in at a whopping 12 lbs. 5 oz. This may not seem like that much..but she's doubled in size since birth. I love that I have this petite little girl who still fits loosely into 3 month clothes and is almost 5 months. Many 2 and 3 month olds have already surpassed her in the weight category but I'll take my tiny miss any day. Sage was also given the okay to start eating solids..YAY! Sage has taken to solid foods quickly and absolutely loves eating whenever I pull them out. She will eat 2 full jars of food if I let her..which I'll admit I have..because it makes me and her so happy!